Updated: 7/1/02; 9:52:00 AM.
ology dot org -- Eric Tilton's weblog and photo journal

Thursday, June 27, 2002

Translucent Databases [via Slashdot: News for nerds, stuff that matters]

This seems really, really interesting, and I just am not awake enough to grok it.  10:03:01 AM  (comments []  

Making Those Games Sound Right. At George Lucas' Skywalker Ranch, sound creators -- known as Foley artists -- spend their days stomping on floors, clanking metal and listening. The goal: Make those video games sound better. By Brad King. [via Wired News]

I've always been fascinated by the guys who do the sound effects. This article answers one pressing question in particular -- why are they called Foley artists?  9:49:57 AM  (comments []  

June 2002
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Last update: 7/1/02; 9:52:00 AM.