I finally finished watching Gasaraki. I started watching this about a year ago, but Encore only had the first few disks. So, I've been picking it off a little at a time.
I really enjoyed the first few disks; the show has a more serious, gritty aspect to it, and it deals with complex political and technical issues. One major thread of the series revolves around revolution, and how it grows and is grown. Another major topic is how giant robots might actually be used in a real military situation, and what their limitations might be.
However, the series probably would have been improved if it were only half the length. Much of the show's middle section dragged, and one important major plot thread suffers from "2001" disease -- it seems promising, but it ultimately makes sense and has no emotional payoff. After having watched disk six, I was unenthused about finishing the series -- I only did because I had enjoyed the first few disks so much. I was well rewarded -- the final two disks (the three episodes leading up to finale, in particular) were a fitting cap to the series. Unfortunately, the final episode was a little too literal with whole deus ex machina thing (don't worry, that actually isn't really a spoiler -- it's that bizarre).
Another general problem is that there's a lot of dialogue that goes like this -- Character A: "Here's an important plot point." Character B (in a wondering voice): "An important plot point?" Stop it! I heard it the first time! Shut up and move on! 2:36:23 PM ()