Updated: 7/1/02; 9:51:41 AM.
ology dot org -- Eric Tilton's weblog and photo journal

Thursday, June 20, 2002

More Neverwinter Nights Impressions
  • It'd sure be nice to have an "auto-sort inventory" button.
  • The single player game in general seems to walk in between Diablo II (purely streamlined hack & slash experience, with a small amount of class development) and Baldur's Gate II (very quest-heavy and micromanagement-heavy). Mostly, I think I like where it's ended up, but here are some specific thoughts:
    • It'd sure be nice to be able to give henchmen better weapons or armor. Right now, they're almost completely abstracted away (no matter which on you hire, he/she is the perfect abstract embodiment of that particular class; and seems to have infinite resources. Granted, I've only spent any time with the thief, who catches most of my traps, and has been able to open all but one lock I've encountered.). Where does my thief get all those potions? Will he ever run out? How do I tell? It's a strong veer away from the micromanagement of Baldur's Gate II. 
    • Death is handled in a very Diablo/MUD kind of way. If your henchman dies, he respawns back at the temple, and you can just go pick him up with no apparent penalty. If you die, you lose 50xp per level and 10% of your gold. Bad but not "the end of the world." Designed to keep you in the action and not terribly afraid of killing your character.
  • I'm very curious to see how the multiplayer plays out. The introduction of the dungeon master means that things can -- in the hands of a skilled group of players -- transcend the ruleset.
  • You can in fact control your character through the keyboard, for those who have wearied of clicking everywhere. A nice touch!
  • You can find out the time by hovering over the... compass. Er? Bioware always hides the time information in the weirdest places.
  • It's kind of weird that even in the middle of the day, things appear lit like it's night time. I'm not sure if this is because you never see the sky (and the city is kind of murky period), or if it's a property of the area of the world (it is, after all, called Neverwinter Nights). Hmmm.
So it turns out that there is a good way for me to compose these entries without going to all the effort of that HTML widget I talked about several weeks ago -- it's the Composer in Mozilla, which I consistently forget exists.
  8:40:09 PM  (comments []  

I think the phrase "burn a CD" perfectly captures the sense of hostility we have towards the Rabidly Insulting Avarice Avatars Recording Industry Association of America.  9:35:24 AM  (comments []  

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