Updated: 7/1/02; 9:51:56 AM.
ology dot org -- Eric Tilton's weblog and photo journal

Wednesday, June 26, 2002

Doctors vs. Geeks, by Chuck Shotton [via Scripting News]

A very interesting essay, worth the read:

"Unfortunately, geeks have done too good a job of simplifying what they do for users, hiding the complexities of the systems they build, and their ultimate value to society. I think the reality is that doctors keep individuals' physical infrastructure functioning and geeks keep society's infrastructure functioning. How many people would lose their lives tomorrow if the telephone system stopped working? if the avionics in all 747s failed? if the GPS guidance system in a cruise missile failed? if the computer systems running the nation's power grid failed? Don't kid yourself. Geeks do a job that is likely far more important to the safety and welfare of a larger number of people than the medical profession does. They just do it in a quiet, unassuming way that doesn't require elevating individual accomplishment. And people do take it for granted. That should be a tribute to the geeks for a job well done."
  3:27:09 PM  (comments []  

ModestNeeds.org: "Every month until I die or the Internet becomes obsolete, I have set aside $400--about 12% of my gross monthly income--to help individuals meet small financial needs that they simply cannot afford on their own." [via this Metafilter discussion]

This site is pretty incredible. A lot of people live from paycheck to paycheck, and a small emergency can mean the difference between whether or not you're out on the street. This site's all about trying to help people out with those small emergencies, and represents a practical way for people to contribute to charity and make a difference one person or family at a time. Check it out.  2:20:30 PM  (comments []  

More Neverwinter Nights: Hmmm, now I am starting to see dynamic weather in some of the Chapter 2 regions.  11:07:33 AM  (comments []  

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