Updated: 12/4/05; 11:54:16 PM.
ology dot org -- Eric Tilton's weblog and photo journal

Friday, January 11, 2002

Here's the inaugural image for the Radio version of the weblog:

I'm still just playing around with it, but I'm feeling pretty good about the prospect of using Radio for my 'blog editing. I liked Blogger fine, but it never worked quite as well on the Mac as I would have liked (it kept forgetting my username/password cookie, for one thing).

The two things I'm liking quite a bit are:

  • Ease of uploading images; it's pretty easy to export thumbnails from iPhoto into the Radio's www folder, and then Radio transparently uploads that to the real server.
  • Responsiveness: it all runs on a local webserver. It's not quite as instant as Dave claims (and I do miss having a real text editing widget -- I hate typing the HTML code for italicizing), but it's pretty darn quick. And it's nice that it works offline, but keeps a copy of your whole darn website around (and syncs changes back up to your main website)

(Addendum: as I was poking around in the preferences, I discovered that there is support for a WYSIWYG editor, but it looks like it's probably Windows-only. Sigh.)  10:36:39 PM  (comments []  

January 2002
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Last update: 12/4/05; 11:54:16 PM.