Updated: 12/4/05; 11:54:37 PM.
ology dot org -- Eric Tilton's weblog and photo journal

Tuesday, January 15, 2002

I've apparently managed to miss two episodes of 24, to my dismay. On the other hand, it's nice to finally see some daylight in the series.

Still, I can't help but wonder when some of these characters are going to take naps.  8:09:11 PM  (comments []  

One day later, I'm already the #4 link on Google for Dave Thomas images wendy's.

Wow.  7:52:57 PM  (comments []  

Heaven help me, I'm blogrolling.

From Business 2.0: What? Now We Have to Make a Profit and Be Ethical?

(from Follow Me Here, one of my favorite blogs.)  12:24:33 PM  (comments []  

Warning! Smart guy weblog ahead.

In particular, I point you to this great piece on how our current response the "impending DNS meltdown" is just dumb. (look for "The Tragedy of the .Coms" if this link doesn't deposit you right at it.)

Let's face it: google is five thousand times more successful than DNS at helping people get to the website they care about. And if you can show me one actual human who would remember "oh, yeah, I wanted thatgreatsite.tv" instead of "thatgreatsite.com", I'll give you a crisp new Freedonian dollar. Adding new TLDs has got to be the dumbest response to domain name confusion I can think of. If it were me, I'd just have one big happy .tld and let people grab what they may (but no shoving, one TLD per organization, so think carefully).

Because, at the end of the day, my mom (hi mom!) doesn't care what your domain name is.  11:56:35 AM  (comments []  

It's a watch. It's a catapult!

(from Blue's News).  11:20:01 AM  (comments []  

January 2002
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