Updated: 2/4/02; 1:31:01 PM.
ology dot org -- Eric Tilton's weblog and photo journal

Monday, January 21, 2002

Apparently twelve original Wallace & Gromit shorts will be distributed over the Internet at some point in... the future. I found this press releasing intriguing, if baffling. For example, I'm little unclear on the "CD Album" concept they talk about.

Still, W&G!  1:07:09 PM    

For Immediate Distribution and Retroaction:

New Slogan for the Apocalypse:

All-singing, all-dancing, spleen of Jack:

"Time Traveling Evil Geniuses for a Better Yesterday!"

Meme ends. Transmission garbled.

Look out behind you!

(must... go... to... bed...)

(anyone know where to get a custom bumper sticker printed?)  2:25:53 AM    

Uh, I just noticed that somebody's sixth grade class project has linked here. Hi, if you're coming from there. This isn't really a "science" page -- I just thought'd it'd be cool/funny to have e-mail addresses like techn@ology.org.

Of course, the joke domain I've always wanted is necro.nomi.com. But the nice lady who now has www.nomi.com doesn't seem to have thought of this fine gag, which is a shame. And the domain was snatched back when I still had trouble scraping up $35 to plonk down for, well, anything.

And besides, someone else has already done this. I'd like just like to assert that I thought of this gag back in '93 :).

Apologies in advance for any crass language or inappropriate material you may come across (like the bulk of this post, unfortunately), but you'll probably enjoy the videogame and giant robot stuff :).  2:05:08 AM    

Lileks finds the weirdest damn stuff.  1:54:35 AM    

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Last update: 2/4/02; 1:31:01 PM.