Updated: 3/4/02; 1:23:30 AM.
ology dot org -- Eric Tilton's weblog and photo journal

Sunday, February 3, 2002

This has been a pretty irritating day for travel. I spent the first leg of my flight -- Austin to St. Louis -- in the last row of the plane, right next to the jets. To add insult to injury, the battery on my noise-cancelling headphones had died. I swear my head didn't stop vibrating until I was a half-hour off the plane.

The second leg turned out to be one one of the little commuter jets; the kind with 18 rows, one seat on the left, two seats on the right. You guessed it: seat 18B. That wouldn't have been so bad (although it's a little cramped typing with the guy in front of me reclining), but the jet next to us clipped our jet when backing out. We're all boarded and ready to go, and I'm trying to read my book while waiting for takeoff, and suddenly -- whoom -- the plane vibrates a little. I look out, and see our wing vibrating a little. Not the kind of thing that inspires confidence.

The plane turned out to be fine, but they deplaned us for ninety minutes while they did some fix-up. Whee.  5:29:05 PM    

Well, wish me luck. I've created a new masthead (as you can see above), and modified my templates. I can see the effect on the local Radio webserver, but if there's a way to preview what the "real" website will look like (while offline), I don't know what it is.  3:17:14 PM    

Well, here's my first blog from a plane. It ain't real-time, though -- I'm trying out Radio's offline capabilities.

I must confess, my enthusiasm for posting from small devices is currently on the wane. It's not that I don't think it's cool; I've spent more than my fair share of time playing around with it. I once refused a job offer via e-mail from a cell phone; another time I went to get new glasses frames, and from the store:

  • Had the clerk take a picture of me with the new frames
  • Transferred the picture from my camera to my Pocket PC
  • Sent the picture in e-mail to Carrie
  • Called her up and asked her opinion about the new frames

and that was pretty cool. It also took about twenty minutes, which gets to the heart of the matter -- most of these small devices don't interoperate very well together. On the other hand, my laptop is pretty self-contained, and interoperates with itself just fine. More importantly, it's got 802.11b, which is not too difficult to find on the road.

I do need to find a little portable 802.11b router/hub that I can take with me while travelling, though. My Airport hub is swell, but it's big and doesn't have the two ethernet jacks I'd need to slide it in between my dad's cable modem and my dad's computer :).  1:03:30 PM    

  11:40:13 AM    

February 2002
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Last update: 3/4/02; 1:23:30 AM.