Updated: 3/4/02; 1:23:14 AM.
ology dot org -- Eric Tilton's weblog and photo journal

Wednesday, February 27, 2002

ICANN: It must take responsibility for its own failure (from SATN.org)

ICANN is proud that its main accomplishment has been the creation of seven new global Top Level Domain names (gTLDs). And the marketplace respond with utter and profound indifference! Who knows what these new TLDs are and who cares? People rely on their bookmarks and search engines. They might try typing the company name and .COM but it seems silly to try all possible TLDs just in case. It's like trying to dial 1-800 (in the United States) followed by a company name and expecting it to work most the time and then trying 1-888 and then +41-800 (or whatever the standard prefixes are in each country).

Amen, brother. This continued insistence on believing normal people actually remember domain names is resulting in misguided public policy behavior. It's a very technically minded way of looking at things, and it's definitely not appropriate in this context.  3:57:13 PM    

Stomp was incredible. I'm in awe of the performers and the choreographers. Go see it.  1:51:17 PM    

Sanchez campaign letter full of errors (from the Dallas Morning News)

In a letter on campaign stationery, Mr. Sanchez thanks the Texas State Teachers Association for its endorsement and outlines his support of public education.

But to the classroom veterans on his mailing list, the message is marred by grammatical miscues.

The letterhead touts him as "Tony Sanchez for Texas Gonernor."

The Democrat also got the name of the organization wrong, inserting an apostrophe where there isn't one.

Scattered among enthusiastic paragraphs in praise of education are enough errors to fill an English teacher's list of do's and don'ts -- a run-on sentence, a subject-verb agreement problem and a dangling modifier.

It's too bad our Democratic gubernatorial front runner here in Texas is such a putz.  1:02:42 PM    

Rex Murphy in regards to Canada:

Let's give up the pretence. We are not a Confederation, after all. We are a constitutionally organized hockey fan base

(via a private mailing list)  12:50:08 PM    

Diary of a hospital application reader. "My Dead Relative," "My After-School Special," "Boo-Hoo" and other essays that might get you a job after medical school. (from Salon.com)

I spent some time on the CMU SCS admissions committee, so I feel this guy's pain. Hilarious.  11:31:56 AM    

N.Y. Times hack exposes sensitive data. The New York Times Company confirms the internal network breach at its flagship newspaper. Reports say databases with personal info of staff and of high-profile sources were hit. (from CNET News.com)

Boy, they're understating this. It's played off as "oh, well, I guess we had some minor security problems." But what was compromised? The database of sources.

What strikes at the heart of a journalistic organization more deeply than that?  11:30:36 AM    

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