Updated: 3/4/02; 1:22:44 AM.
ology dot org -- Eric Tilton's weblog and photo journal

Friday, February 15, 2002

Letters in response to "All Hail .Net!" (from Salon)

God, I read that story yesterday and I could barely believe it. I feel bad for the fire this guy has brought down on himself, but he has brought it down on himself fairly. These letters are spot on -- the piece was completely devoid of content, and seemed to merely serve as a way to drum up business for this guy's .Net books.

This bio page at apress.com provides a little more context. The cheerleading is just as evident here :). So is the defensiveness. The bit about how he owes his marriage to Microsoft is just the littlest bit creepy.  6:11:24 PM    

Camera Calls It a Dead Heat. Even the most sophisticated photo-finish camera can't determine who crossed the finish line first, so a couple of Norwegian skiers share an Olympic silver medal in the Men's Combined Pursuit. By Farhad Manjoo. (from Wired News)

The photo-finish picture is very cool. So is the description of the system they use for taking the picture.  5:52:12 PM    

February 2002
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