Updated: 3/4/02; 1:22:11 AM.
ology dot org -- Eric Tilton's weblog and photo journal

Tuesday, February 5, 2002

Hey, my first blog link; too bad it's from someone irritated by my political irritability :).

For what it's worth, I'm painfully aware of the cost of the military -- my brother is on the Theodore Roosevelt, wondering right now if they're going to get relieved any time soon. Minimal military funding seems to have been predominately responsible for the crappy state the John F. Kennedy turned out to be in, and the JFK's seaworthiness (and ability to replace the TR) has been one of Doug's big concerns lately. And I'm also as scared and angry as the next guy about the direct and personal impact terrorism has finally had on the US (especially since my other brother doesn't live too far from where the World Trade Center used to be).

(Hmmm, it's hard to find links about the JFK problems -- my brother keeps forwarding me stories about it.)

That being said, our administration is cynically manipulating our national fears to pursue a skewed and simplistic agenda. We can fight terror and take responsibility as a world citizen without sacrificing our future.

Blah. I'm tired of this pessimistic crap. Time to go read some fun news.  8:38:44 PM    

Time Warner's dialup service sucks. I've been disconnected three times in the last hour, dialing up from this hotel room.

And, to add insult to injury, I can't get freakin' Buffy the Vampire Slayer on the cable lineup. It's the only flaw in the otherwise amazing Appletree Bed & Breakfast.  8:20:33 PM    

February 2002
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