Updated: 3/4/02; 1:23:19 AM.
ology dot org -- Eric Tilton's weblog and photo journal

Thursday, February 28, 2002

C2G, B2G, and G2G?

http://www.firstgov.gov/ -- it's the US Government's portal! Supposedly you can use it do all kinds of stuff, including changing your address, paying your taxes, etc.

Looks interesting, but since I don't currently have any pressing governmental matters to attend to, it's hard to evaluate its actual utility. Here's hoping it's useful!  2:44:36 PM    

Woz blesses Captain Crunch's new box. Legendary phone phreak debuts anti hacker kit (from The Register)  10:12:05 AM    

Intel outs Banias, mobilises notebook designers (from The Register)  10:11:39 AM    

February 2002
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