Updated: 2/4/02; 1:31:15 PM.
ology dot org -- Eric Tilton's weblog and photo journal

Monday, January 28, 2002

I like to think of myself as an optimist; the flip side of that is that I'm probably pretty naive. I was actually pretty startled to watch Frontline's Dot * Con show (you can watch the whole thing off the web, and I highly recommend it).

This wasn't what I was expecting -- it's not about the dot coms themselves. Instead, it's about the guys who took the dot coms public, and what their motivations were.

Until I watched this, I really had not fundamentally realized how much the massive IPOs of the last few years were just a big scam on the part of the investment banks and big money guys. What it comes down to is that the guys who get the initial allocations are the only ones who really make money -- the rest of us are the suckers who bought at the artificially high prices. (Sorry, I no longer remember where I got the link from.)

Also read the Salon article Let the games begin! which also talks about former SEC chairman Arthur Levitt Jr.

Finally, watch the documentary movie startup.com, just to see how we all saw it on the company side of the fence.  11:31:55 PM    

One more test:

Poor Bernie has fallen off the main page, since I haven't revamped my template yet. He'd still like to know if you have any wet cat food for him.  1:06:23 PM    

I'm trying out the new Radio Easy Images from the Desktop tool, and it seems to kick ass. I just went into iPhoto (iPhoto makes it easy to export to my preferred 400x300 aspect ratio, and is even smart about picking 300x400 for vertical pictures), exported to ~/Pictures/Radio Upstream, and about 20 seconds later this browser window opened with the links already all set to go.

My only complaint -- I'd like to be able to set it up so that all of my images went into a big images directory, 'cuz that's how I'm used to doing it. (Actually, I just realized they do still go to my images folder, but just into date-oriented subdirectories of the folder. Which I'm OK with.)

Go go gadget Userland! This rocks. I've been looking for this for, well, forever.


  12:59:56 PM    

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Last update: 2/4/02; 1:31:15 PM.