Molly Ivins has smart things to say about how Our Brave Leaders are pretty much just in favor of rich people. (from FmH.)
Bush is a cruel, shortsighted, and petty asshole. And I'm stunned at how much popularity he's enjoying right now. Baaaaaaa.
Here's why the "tax cut" is a boondoggle. Let's pick a nice round number that represents a so-called "upper middle class" salary -- say, $100,000 a year. That's a lot of money, right? In the first year of the tax cut, someone making that much money will get to keep about $50 extra a month -- about $600 that year.
$600 a year.
In exchange for knocking the national surplus down by nearly four trillion dollars.
Imagine how much money people making $15,000, $30,000, or even $50,000 stand to save on the "tax cut"? Imagine how much of it they'll have to plow back into privatized versions services that are even now being cut?
Does anyone out there really still believe that anyone except the plutocrats are benefiting from Bush? 11:33:36 AM