Updated: 12/4/05; 11:54:48 PM.
ology dot org -- Eric Tilton's weblog and photo journal

Thursday, January 17, 2002

Some late night musings:

  1. One of my favorite features of Radio is, goofily enough, the "referers" page. It's fascinating to see the Google searches people do to get here. I also noticed that by referencing the whole Dave Thomas/Wendy's thing, I've pushed myself up to the #1 link on Google. Power overwhelming!
  2. Insomnia sucks. Stress sucks. Finding yourself thinking every night about how you're going to get to sleep sucks, because it reinforces the first two problems. Thank God we hit a milestone today; maybe I'll be able to ratchet the stress down at least a tiny notch.
  3. I rented Grand Theft Auto 3 and 007: Agent Under Fire for my PS2 tonight. Renting these two completely justified my "I'll get a PS2 and save money by renting games" hypothesis; they're both interesting, and I will be bored by both by the time I return them. And this cost about $88 less. GTA3 is pretty damn cool, actually, it just won't have any longevity for me. The 007 game, on the other hand, is more of a curiosity; the gameplay isn't really there.
  2:07:38 AM  (comments []  

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