Updated: 12/4/05; 11:54:23 PM.
ology dot org -- Eric Tilton's weblog and photo journal

Saturday, January 12, 2002

Damn you Radio! I'm supposed to be working on my GURPS character!  1:44:10 PM  (comments []  

Here are some images from over the holidays:

My dad's "new" 1941 Wurlitzer. Guess that beats my iPod, for style anyway :).

This is one of the very cool arrival/departure monitor banks at the Portland International Airport:

Fire. Heh heh. Fire.

A photo study of a chair:
  1:33:51 PM  (comments []  

Hmmm. For some reason, on my archive pages, the "home" link points to the "http://www.ology.org/radio/" test page I was using initially, and not the correct "http://www.ology.org/". I just tried restarting Radio; let's see if this works.

(Yes, that appears to have fixed things.)  12:34:57 PM  (comments []  

All right, I'm biting the bullet and going live with Radio. You should be able to get at the old Blogger archives here.

As I get more familiar with the system, I'll get my old Blogger template back up and running for the main page.  11:55:25 AM  (comments []  

January 2002
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Dec   Feb

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Last update: 12/4/05; 11:54:23 PM.