Updated: 12/4/05; 11:54:33 PM.
ology dot org -- Eric Tilton's weblog and photo journal

Monday, January 14, 2002

From the vaguely ghoulish department: *

Watching TV this evening, we were struck by (a) the large number of Wendy's ads, and (b) how seamlessly the recently departed Dave Thomas seems to have been elided from them.

This caused us to wonder what kind of contingency plans Wendy's had for such an event, which led to this article on Ad Age.

* Because there's nothing ghoulish about megacorporations and branding already?  11:14:24 PM  (comments []  

From a mailing list vector: "The Secret Diary of Aragorn, son of Arathorn".

Short, but "v. funny".  11:04:11 AM  (comments []  

From the NY Times: Judge Rules Fingerprints Cannot Be Called a Match.

Here's an understatement for you: "This seems like a pretty big deal."  9:36:15 AM  (comments []  

January 2002
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