Sunday, February 24, 2002
Hey, look, I'm a dummy. Delete All functionality was in Radio the entire time. (Link will only work if you're running Radio, but it basically gives you a preference page where you can have all checkboxes in the news aggregator automatically checked instead of automatically unchecked. Glad I decided to click on the "help" question mark.) I still wish there was an explicit "Delete All" button, though.
Didn't get a bite from Dave on my Kibo comment, though. :) 9:25:47 PM
Steven Seagal "vehicle" On Deadly Ground just showed up on Showtime. I have a sick love for B-grade action movie stars (is there really an "A" grade?) like Seagal, Van Damme, and (let's face it) Schwarzenegger.
Has anyone else noticed that Seagal's delivery style is almost identical to that of Jay (of Jay and Silent Bob)? Minus the swearing, of course. 7:25:16 PM
I finally went through and did my final version of my tax return (I'd done a quick estimate version a few weeks ago). Happily, things turned out pretty much as I expected -- a nice change from several years ago, when I got a rough surprise from not realizing I'd have to pay self-employment tax on my book royalties (I was a student at the time, so it was almost a catastrophic surprise, but I lucked out).
Some observations:
- The form seems a little better designed than in previous years. There are some small details like breakout boxes that are clearly connected to the appropriate line.
- Maybe I didn't notice this in previous years (the past several years my taxes and withholdings have been almost spot on), but they've added direct deposit for getting your refund. It's like it's the 21st century or something.
- The whole line 47 thing from the previous post is clearly fearmongering, after you've worked through the worksheet. The worksheet explicitly states that if you'd received more money in your check from last year then you're actually due, you don't have to return the extra.
Anyway, this may be the earliest I've ever filled out and returned my form. Wow! It's like I'm organized this year or something. 7:20:25 PM