Updated: 3/4/02; 1:22:21 AM.
ology dot org -- Eric Tilton's weblog and photo journal

Friday, February 8, 2002

The text in bold made me laugh out loud; it's from One Runtime to Rule Them All, which is a very interesting discussion of Microsoft's Common Language Runtime.

Playing with the .NET SDK, the cross-language support looks impressive, but the illusion holds true only until realizing that all languages in the mix are virtually identical. Microsoft has actually invented the concept of skinnable language: changing a language[base ']s most superficial aspects, and claiming the result to be a new language. There is only One True Language that is C#, and "skins" offered by Microsoft and third parties. Just like in GUIs, these skins will alter the system[base ']s look and feel, add a few features, but never compete with a fully new toolkit.

(link from CamWorld.)  3:29:27 PM    

Well, I'm legal now -- I paid my $40 for Radio.

Thanks for the swell product, Userland!  11:28:34 AM    

Speaking of weird Google searches in the referral logs: searchrequests.weblogs.com  11:21:45 AM    

February 2002
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Last update: 3/4/02; 1:22:21 AM.